Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Kit and Dale - lightweights!

Okay, who stayed out last for the Solstice surf? Thanks you, thank you! Dale and Kit got out at 11.15pm - lightweights. Myself and Hans left the water at 11.17pm. Come on! It was pretty dark by then! Nice to surf Polzy without the crowds though!

It wasn't the blue cheese! It was the Piriton! With my weird dream last week! Or I think it was. My experimentation with three crackers full of the stuff resulted in a restful nights sleep... but no dream. Tonight, I'll experiment with an overdose of Piriton - what's the worst that can happen, super clean passages.

Not loving the new budget much. VAT up to 20% - bit of a killer for us. All the help seems to be for new business start ups - which I think is help misplaced on the basis that one in ten new businesses go out of business in the first year! Much better to help SMEs who have been established for a while and who offer the best chance for growth and employment. If the economy was buoyant then you could make the case - but on the basis that a lot of established companies will be under pressure, hard to see how new and inexperienced businesses will find the lucrative gaps in the market. But then again, I'm often wrong.

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