It was pretty clear from the moment we arrived at Croyde that this competition was going to be a lottery. Windy onshore, 4 ft swell - not the best conditions, coupled with shambolic organisations, we had the sneaky suspicion that the defence of our title hung on the toss of a coin!!! And so it proved to be - apparently we lost by one point!! During the heats the better surfers struggled with the paddle out while our new additions to the team contented themselves with racking up the points in the white water. And that's what it came down to - it wasn't a true surf contest. Croyde 'C' were the eventual winners which says it all really. We had a good day regardless and although the event was fraught with running problems, not enough rash vests, no one could see the start and end coloured board, heats starting 30 mins after the contestants went in the water, despite all that the people up at Croyde were really nice and welcoming, and at the end of the day it didn't really matter.
So congratulations to our three teams for entering the event in the right spirit. The energy in the minibus on the way home was at fever pitch so fun was had by all. We put some new faces into the mix in our B and C teams, so that was good as well.