Saturday, 1 October 2011
Esme is back!

Friday, 30 September 2011
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Thursday morning wave
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Can't complain
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
September Wave
It's all gone a bit Ed Milliband
Monday, 26 September 2011
Magic Monday
"Today I don't feel like doing anything, I just wanna go for a surf, 2 to 3ft on the sets, tuck inside a sucky left, 'cause today I swear I'm not doing anything - except go for a surf! No, no no, no no no ... go for a surf!" Thanks Bruno.
Oh here comes Janey, back on your balls! I can't lie, I've been in for a few this morning. Having missed the weekend because of paintballing (when you get hit on the head from close range it feels like someones trying to break your skull open with a small hammer) and other stuff, it was only right that the rubber was donned and I tickled into a few first thing. Jolly good it was too, the magic was flowing through the turns, it's hard to hold class back - well that's the adage my very old latin teacher used to use when the bell went.
So here I am in the office and there's no-one in! I'm all on my lonesome. Kelly and Wailin are on the front line giving some tuition from the top drawer, Sarah and Rach are days off. And Janey's gone up to the house. So it's just you and me! And you know what that means - we go crazy!
Okay Crazy Monday - but this is just between you and me okay, don't tell Sarah who's back in the shop on Thursday. If you buy anything from our on-line shop over the next couple of days (ie before Sarah comes back in) you can have a 10% discount - all you have to do is pop in this code Loyal1b2011. So think Christmas, think hoodies, think calendars - it's all here for you. I'll leave that with you - and don't forget, it's your own time your wasting!
Surf's Up! Shorts..... heatwave on the way this week and the surf forecast is as follows;
Monday 2ft, Tuesday 2ft, Wednesday 2ft, Thursday 3ft, Friday 3ft
- light South-easterly winds from tomorrow for the rest of the week, wave period between 9 and 11 seconds.
What's the wave period? The gap between the wave... the bigger the gap, the better the wave. For example, 5 seconds = locally generated wind swell, rubbish. 14 seconds = long distance travelled swell, bonza! NB. Local wind affects the shape and quality of the wave, not neccessarily the size. A wind with a bit of Easterly is generally accepted as the best at Polzy to hold the face up. If you get the combo of long travelled swell and offshore breezes, the only other determining factor on how good the waves will be, is how the sand is lying on the sea bed ie the sand banks over which the waves break. And at the moment.. the sand is lying good, real good. Here endeth today's surfing lethon.
Hang on, phone's ringing..... chap from India want's to know if I'm keen to sell Homer Park?! Sold that about four years ago! Onwards....
Other shorts... little article in this month's Wavelength about yours truly.. although we could go mad on publicity, we actually quite like just working on recommendation, I think there's long term strength in that, so the article is a bit of a one off. Oh and thanks for the Olympic Flame nomination re. Boardriders. I'm not one for awards and stuff but that one is actually pretty cool. It's a bit like the X factor with a further cull towards the new year, so I don't actually know yet whether I'm going to have to train for the 200 yds!
Hang on, another call... what's up with Mumbai today.. grr, they're driving me nuts!!
"No I ain't gonna to comb my hair, 'cause I ain't going anywhere. No, no, no. No, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no..
Hugs and kisses.