A quite incredible story - but we've just been to pick up Esme from Penkridge after a local family spotted her in their fields and recognised her picture in the local paper (massive thanks to them). Five weeks she's been living rough. Tired, hungry, smelly and dishevelled , it's been quite an ordeal, but I'll be fine! Oh and the cats okay too! A massive thanks to Helen and her two girls Katie and Anna who became our eyes and ears some 250 miles away - what they did to help was quite extraordinary.
I'll sit down next week and somehow summarise the main events! - there have been some incredible incidents along the way. Even today, having never met Helen and her family before (just thousand of texts and phone calls) we literally bumped into them coming out of the supermarket in Penkridge. And apparently yesterday at the vets, when they called Janey to check that the microchip number matched and she confirmed it, the packed room burst into cheering, clapping and tears all round! She's become quite a celebrity - a reclusive and elusive celebrity mind!
She's back on the sofa fast asleep now. Libby our black lab has climbed up next to her and Frankie (cat number two) has jumped into the cat basket by the door - perhaps she thinks it's her turn for some R and R. The family is once again complete and it feels great. Janey never gave up on her.
Hottest day of the year and we've been stuck on the motorway all day - that's ironic!
Off to play with our band Mahoustic up at the Waterfront for the Jess Memorial in aid of Chicks in a minute. Haven't played a guitar in three months, haven't sung for three months, haven't played as a band for three months - the original band booked, cancelled at the last minute so we're standing in, as always we'll give it our best shot. I have a strategy for nights like tonight - Jack Daniels! I'm not a big drinker, but I find that if I partake of a few shots, at least I enjoy myself and more importantly it looks like everyone else is as well, even if they're not! Works ever time - jobs a goodun'.
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