Thursday, 16 September 2010

Load of fuss for a Country and Western Singer

Pope Benedict XVI? Isn't he the country and western singer from the US? I'm not really a country and western fan so his visit means little to me. Hang on, silly me I'm thinking of George Hamilton IV! Oh well, at least we haven't had to dig into the tax fund to pay for his visit...

... what we have?!

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

What a Grey Day

Okay, so most of the photos I put on here are the ones that make the beach look amazing! There's a reason for that - we want you to come on down! But, and I know this will surprise you, just every now and again, we do get days that dreams are not made of! This morning might fall into this category although as I write the drizzle has got brighter and a little less drizzly.

Janey is on a mission! She seems to have come out of the blocks firing! Which in my decaffeinating state is hard to go with. She's given me loads of jobs now that I'm back in the office full-time. Yes the summer holiday is most definitely over! Accounts, bookings, ordering product - you name it, she's got me on it.

Talking of my decaff state. I cycled the 45 miles to the skate park at Mount Hawke yesterday - Janey drove down with the boys. The coastal route is torture, up and down, up and down. More ups than downs from where I was sitting. And being very low on energy and with a big bad headache, it wasn't fun at all. At one point coming out of Newquay on the Perrenporth road, I was overtaken by another cyclist. Being a competitive chap, I did my best to stay with him.. but the 80 year old got away! Yes, that bad! There was nothing in the tank. The World Wide Web informs me that I should get my energy back soon. Here's hoping!

Monday, 13 September 2010

Caffeine and Chocolate Cold Turkey

"Often, people who are reducing caffeine intake report being irritable, unable to work, nervous, restless, and feeling sleepy, as well as having a headache."

Thirty six hours into cold turkey and I can report that progress is being made. I feel considerably better than I did yesterday, which was quite horrible. Chocolate and Mocha are my friends - any time of day they're there to be my comforter! Not only have they become part of my life routine, (the early morning coffee at the Cone Zone is a social ritual to start the day off), but I just really like the taste. Sitting here with a cup of Detox Tea, is not quite the same.

Yesterday's activity didn't help mind! Fin had a footie tournament down at Newquay, an all day affair. I think our supporters on the whole are quite reserved, those of other teams, not quite so! Standing next to them with a thumping headache is bad news! SO NOISY! And then we ended up at Wooden Waves the outdoor skatepark where I fell asleep in the car! So that's headache and sleepy accounted for. 'Unable to work, nervous, restless' - hm?

Janey's Mum and Dad have left to go to OZ for a couple of months - Janey's Nan lives in Brisbane. Sylv is brilliant with our boys and does so much to help. And Evan, is the practical man who can put his hands to anything. They're definitely going to be missed.