Polzy - 7am - dropped off loads from last night but still a sweet wave to be had.
Friday, 9 July 2010
Thursday, 8 July 2010
We have been very spoilt this year - tonight was fantastic. 4ft glass. Took the Billyman with me but the odd sneaky set was just a bit too big for him.
We say a sad farewell to our German friends in the morning. They've been a fantastic group, we've really enjoyed having them stay with us at the Beach House and we'll miss there spirit. We wish them a safe journey home.
It's been flat out with schools this week and all of them have been really cool.
Taking a Dive
Head high surf this morning
Oh dear - news of our Mahoustic youtube appearance travels fast. Last night at swimming, Will the coach was standing on the starting blocks pretending to play air guitar in front of the kids! Poor Billy - that's going to take some living down.
Oh dear, oh dear - our German guests are sad after last night's footie! They're going for three sessions today - not sure that's ever been attempted by a group before in the 16 years we've been open. They'll do it though - they've got a brilliant attitude, good to see.
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Come on the Germans
As much as we love our German guests - and they are a really cool group, they'rereally not that street wise! I just asked them "Wo ich kaufe Lederhosen kann, das vom realen Schnurrbarthaar gebildet wird?".. and they had no idea where I could buy Lederhosen made from real moustache hair. Honestly!
Mahoustic is back!
I know - we say it every year. That this will be our last gig! Thing is it's just too much fun. It would be about ten years ago that we first set up the Surf's Up! Band of Rock - we had a different drummer for the first couple of gigs, but ever since it's been the same line up - Wailin on Lead, Andy on Bass, Will on Drums and myself Pete on vocals and guitar (chords only!). It's been a blast. We played quite a lot last year and peaked at the wedding of the daughter of the family who own Weatherspoons. That was a biggun! We went up the night before to set up in the marquee and do a sound check - and we took this new smoke machine. Not sure we got the settings right - the whole marquee filled with thick smoke. It was an anxious few hours waiting to see if it would clear!
We had our first practice of the year last night. And you can check it out!! Lucky you - we ran the video whilst we were playing and it's turned out not so bad. You can get a sneak preview of what happens behind the closed doors of one of the leading Uk Bands...., Cornish bands.... okay Polzeath bands! We are available if you've got a party, wedding or Bar Mitzvah!
"Ladies and Gentlemen we're now going to go back in time and play an Eric Clapton classic. Sunshine Of Your Love. Thank you very much" applause........
"You're too kind! No really, you are too kind!" And now for our next number this is one of our band favourites.... Paul Weller Foot of the Mountain. Thank you!"
"Thank you very much!"
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
You just know it's going to be a good day when you turn up at 7am on the beach and find three drunks with outstretched arms, herding three cows around the beach! I can't think of a better sight to start off the day! It's another busy one - even I had to don the golden vest for the 8am session. The sun's out, surf's 3ft - happy days.
Monday, 5 July 2010
Roger that
If you ever get the chance you should listen into our radio channels on a busy day! It's like the busiest air traffic control tower! Messages flying between mission control, beach HQ, water's edge, and the shop - and of course there's lot of banter.... oh on second thoughts, whatever you do don't listen in!
Honesty is the best policy
"Argh, that was a double hit!" My golf playing partner had just hit the ball twice on a very, very simple 6 inch putt. It happens very rarely. I saw it, but he called it. That's the way it is with golf - it's a sport that demands that you don't cheat. That you call the rules.
This declaration of the double hit that wasn't seen by our playing opponents got us talking about the world cup and that goal that wasn't. Thing is, it was a goal. The rule is that you score a goal by getting the ball to cross the line. We did that. The fact that the ref and linesman didn't see it was pretty irrelevant. The players should have called it. At half time, having seen the replay where there could be no doubt, the German manager should have crossed into the English one and told him that they would let England walk the ball into the net at the start of the second half. Would we have done that? Probably not. But that's what should have happened. I'm just surprised more wasn't made about the integrity of the game. Technology would help for sure on closer calls, but this wasn't one of those occasions. It was a goal - so call it. What's so difficult in doing that?
We have some German students staying with us at the Beach House. The topic of football has come up! (Don't mention the....... footie!). Despite our history anyone else finding themselves drawn to wanting them to win the world cup. Does that make me bad?
Wait 'til you see the whites of their eyes!
One of the busiest weeks of the year starts this morning. I think we average about 300 students a day - but I'll check that because it might be more. As we say to the junior instructors "this is not a dress rehearsal!" oh and " wait 'til you see the whites of their eyes!" and "this is what we've trained for!" Plenty of quotes to bring out of the bag. It's a good team, some great characters. Plenty of new blood. We like new blood - mixes well with the old. The weather hasn't completely deserted us - few days of cloud and the wind's gone onshore. No complaints.

Not another sunset piccy!
Did a bit of car swapping last week. In our efforts to save the planet (actually to cut down on bills) the Landy Defender had to go. Janey was very sad! But we've replaced the beast with an Audi (which moves us into the up echelons of society!), my brother in laws old one in fact. It's an A6 estate. The good news is that it runs on air! Unless the gauge is broken I came back from London on quarter of a tank! It would have a been a tank and a bit in the Landy. Happy days. The boys have been so excited - who needs a playstation when you've got a car with knobs and pop out cup holders. And they've been busy polishing it! Now they've never done that before!
Sunday, 4 July 2010
Saturday - all guns blazing
Billyman won the Redruth Triathlon yesterday - he was firing on all cylinders. Not only did he win his own age group but his time would have won the group above as well. He gets really nervous before races and then just before the off he gets in the Billyzone. County Track champs coming up on the 12th - 800m - which will be his biggest event to date. Be interesting to see how he gets on!
The junior elite squad have been training hard this weekend. When there's no competition on the weekend they've been making the most of some intense Kelly sessions. They're having a fantastic season.
Not so much a celebration
I've been up to the big smoke! And would you believe it I happened across one of my best mates - Mike. He lives in Cambridge and never goes to London. And I very rarely make it up to London. Unbelievable that we should bump into each other walking through Selfridges! I say, walking through, as there was no way I was going to stop and make any purchases at those prices. Looking for a suit to wear, this was well out of my league! Really great to catch up with Mikey - fate.
The suit was to be worn at the remembrance service for my old school mate Andy. He took his own life just over a week ago. With his nine year old triplets in attendance this was a very sad affair. And one that no-one could quite comprehend. Here was one of life's great achievers, great men of faith and great father - a really good man. And yet he we were gathered together to celebrate his passing. His son had been asked what he'd like to say about his dad. He said "that's easy. I can sum him up in three words. Dad was everything." When the brother in law read this out, there wasn't a dry eye in the house. The whole service was incredibly moving - bewildering. Although the family did an amazing job in celebrating his life, it was not a day for celebration. Some things simply cannot be explained.
The only positive was that I was able to meet up with some of my old school buddies - and that was great. What a shame it took such an occasion to bring us all back together.
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