Saturday, 8 August 2009

New Shop stock flies

Target setting is an incredibly difficult thing to do. "What's your 5 year plan?" is the first question business consultants ask. Which is a tricky one. We've never been into spending any time on the question based on the fact that had we made any predictions over the past 15 years we would have been hopelessly wide of the mark! Ideas evolve and move in different directions, within days, weeks months.. let alone years! 

I went with Janey to pick up the latest shop stock yesterday. The shop continues to fly - yesterday was the busiest day by far - just short of 300% up on 'target'! I couldn't believe it when I came to lock up last night - we knew records were being set, but not to that extent. Very satisfying. I expect that most people would have thought we were mad to use a third of our shop floor for computers, particularly in one so small. But it works.

Popped down to Aggie yeterday to see Tom and Ernie - Ernie was in the middle of a photo shoot for Finisterre - a new underwear range! Apparently he loves nothing more than prancing around in his smalls - he was loving it. 

As is the Surf's Up! way, we're looking around for the next project. With amazing staff in place we're able to look at ventures perhaps further afield. I've been spending quite a bit of time looking at this - Janey's great. "Okay here's the plan...." "No" .. despite my disappointment, on reflection she's always right. Last night we were in tears laughing about some of the funny things that have happened in the surf school. The funniest of times.

I was chatting to Sam this morning about the season. We were discussing the impact that kids have on your life. You think you couldn't possibly be any busier or more tired than you already are and then along comes a little thing that just takes over. Billy was real challenge as a baby, the worst sleeper on the planet - I spent night after night driving around bumpy lanes just to 1) let Janey get some sleep and 2) to get him to sleep. Tough, tough days - but somehow so much easier being the Dad! I asked Janey the other day if she wanted any more kids, last chance saloon. Decision made - that's it, the jobs a goodun.

Great to see on the news that women prefer men with Moobs and Belly's as lifetime partners. Janey's very lucky to be going out with a man with such outstanding attributes!! Note to self - get fit! She has commented recently that I've started to walk like my Dad - my achilles have always caused me issues. Note to self - do some stretching!


Friday, 7 August 2009

Breaking Records in the Surf's Up! Surf Shop

A huge big up to Ellie and her supporting crew of Alice and Janey who worked so hard in the shop yesterday. 

Thursday, 6 August 2009

As good as it gets

Surf's pumping - overhead glass! The early mist has cleared. It's going to be a good day!!

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

It's official - the sun is out!

12.30pm report

Hello - it's all gone a bit crazy! Bit of sun and it brings everyone out to play. Surf school buzzing, shop packed! Happy days!

We welcome the morning in with a big red ball hanging in the sky! Which is very exciting! And the surf is pumping - 4ft clean, Polzeath at it's best. I really need to get in the water more. Weighed myself the other day - must have been wearing heavy shoes!! The training starts here!

Sunday, 2 August 2009

Out of the dog house

Here's Gabi ripping it up at South Fistral on the Boardriders Summer Camp - she's surfing so strong at the moment winning the Open Ladies division last weekend. Great future ahead.

I was given a reprieve!! Janey succumbed to my charm! By the end of the day I was driving the whole family (that's mine and my sisters) out in the boat, trying to catch mackerel. Bit rough to go beyond Stepper so we went for the long shot of dragging a line in the estuary. You can get lucky, but sadly not yesterday. Was fun though. It was first time that Charlie, Alice and Jamie had been in the boat. I 'm sure my sis will wear more waterproof clothing next time!

Today is a back to beach day - busy shop, lots of arrivals. The sun is out and everyone's happy.