Saturday, 27 August 2011

Smelly Poo Protest

Our cat Esme went missing - so we went in search. We know that the local caravan park is a favourite and only a short meander away. People had seen here around, but not for the last few days. So we put up a load of posters to see if we could get some info. We thought she perhaps had been locked in a caravan by mistake, sneaked in as someone packed up to go home - so we checked all the empty caravans. But no success.

To cut a long story short and following many, many search missions. We found her. In a locked caravan? No. Got stuck in a bin? No. Got shut in the old white house? No. No we found her in Stoke on Trent!

I'm not sure exactly what happened yet, but someone must have fed her, thought she was a stray and bundled her into the car at the end of their holiday. I can't quite get my head around this because if you know cats, you'd know that if you feed them and encourage them, they'll be your best friend. But that doesn't mean they're stray. Esme looks far from a stray, she just likes chicken! It's one thing to feed a cat for a few days and quite another to then bundle them into the car. And I do think that if they'd really thought about it, they'd have asked at reception if anyone knew who the cat belonged too. Driving past reception they must have known they were doing something wrong. She's well known to most people on the camp site. What makes me laugh is she's not a good traveller - howls like a banshee after 400 metres. Hit the 5 mile mark and she'll release a stinky poo protest unlike anything you've ever smelt before. We've had to make an emergency evacuation of the car before now!

They're driving her back today (from Stoke on Trent) - it'll be great to see her.

Green Army! Great news last night that Plymouth Argyle are to survive- we got the news at the boys training. On a selfish level, it would have been a bit of a blow for the boys had they gone out of business. It's tough to get in. The Cardiff supporters and coach were very complimentary about the way Billy played after the match on the weekend and they had him down as the one to watch. That's my boy!

Bank holiday weekend - here we go! Is it going to be busy? I have no idea. Weather looks okay. Better than yesterday. But the surf was cranking - had a few sweet rides. Oh, and let's look out for the waves from Hurricane Irene - normally takes about a week for the swell to get here. It's always the best type of swell, long travelled, big gaps between the sets - happy days. I'll keep you posted on when it's expected to arrive so you can get down here.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Here we go - a nice little wave to be had and really not that busy.

Now then, what's to report? Sooo much driving, that's all I know! Went up to Cardiff over the weekend, Billy had a footie match. Now I understand what it's like when visitors make the long drive home. It took us six hours to get to Wales! And they lost 4 - 0, that was the bad news. Good news, Billy played a stormer. The score line isn't a true reflection of the game - the oppo had two teams and Plymouth ran out of legs in the end on what was a scorching day.How do you walk around the turrets of a Castle? Caerphilly! Someone had to say it.

And the chickens are here!! Jalfrezi, Drummer, Nugget and Nora, picked them up yesterday and they're all bedded in, happy chucks.