It's been all slip, slap, slop here in the past 12 hours! "Argh, who's stepped in the dog poo!" laughed Janey as she filled the car with our boys for the school run. Urm, let me have a look at my trainer! Damn, that'll be me then. I knew I slid on something, but not on a doo doo. The power hose setting ten, soon sorted that out. And then outside the office this morning, I did a double somersault with a pike on the slippery decking and ended up on my back. Didn't see that coming. Quick check that no-one saw! Brush down, good to go! So 'slip' was the fall; 'slap' was the impact on the my back; and slop was the .......
It's been all Mart Pellow down here. Lots and lots of the wet stuff, be nice to see the shiney big ball again soon. Actually as I write I see shadows forming on the beach. Nice.