Thursday, 6 October 2011

Jobs a Goodun'

Four iMacs, one Mac Pro, three Mac books, one Mac Mini, one iPad and one iPhone - yep we're a Mac family. We've even set up a business called iSurf (winter project for Easter launch). Steve Jobs - genius.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011


So there I am paddling out this morning, it's 3ft with the odd 4ft set rolling in - bit onshore but very surfable - and I can see that's there's only one other person out there already. And then as I scratch over the last set, I clock who it is! It's my missus - Janey! Which is a surprise - because when she got up this morning she said she felt like she'd been run over by a steam roller! (She went in yesterday). So it was just the two of us surfing out there together, no-one else to be seen - now that hasn't happened in many years. It was pretty fun as it goes - the sort of session where the waves are all over the place and it's hard to second guess what it's going to do once you're on it. But you can luck into some really good solid ones.

Libby, our black lab was stoked to be back on the beach too (no more dog ban) - all in all quite a family affair.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Long may it continue

As long as it's here, we're going to enjoy it. Janey's out there in the mix - "we've got the boards, let's go ride a few!"

Late afternoon - oh dear, what's happened? It's all gone onshore and drizzly. Best change out of the speedos and wash off all this coconut oil.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Black and White

Thought I'd go for the black and white shot, as I'm sure there's plenty of colour ones around! What a quite remarkable few days - makes you appreciate it more when you don't expect it. Let me just check... yep, that might be the best of it, but who's complaining - all a bit of a brucie bonus.

Last night's gig - hosts Pam and Alan...what an amazing couple. I'd like to think we gave a performance from the top drawer (so much easier with a home crowd) - what I do know for sure is that it was right up there in the 'most fun gig' category, perhaps a top three placing and taking into account we've played together for 12 years (? might need to work that out), that's a big call. Great night.

And in the actual surf comp - Beach Manager Big Sam won the Open Category and Liam from the Elite Surf's Up! Boardriders won pretty well all the other main categories! I'll see if I can get some photos of the comp from Nick (360photography) to stick on here.

I think this is one of my all time favourite photos of the boys - took it tonight as they came out. Happy days.