Not a lot of people know this, but one of my great loves is the piano. And when we haven't got guests staying in our flat (not because I sound like Les Dawson, but because it's where the piano is kept) I play quite a lot. I was tinkling away only a short while ago and I was reminded of a funnyish story from a couple of years ago.
We took a group of local kids over to Brittany for a surf camp, where we stayed in this gothic mansion. It had three floors and a dungeon - great for scaring the kids on halloween (which it was). In the large lounge stood this white grand piano. Over the week, I'd sit down from time to time and play a few notes but not used to public performances kept it to a minimum. Anyway, I can't remember exactly how it happened, but one afternoon following a blinding morning surf, and gaining in confidence I let rip with a rendition of the Theme from Love Story. Mikey, who was in the next room, came and sat down on the long stool beside me to listen. Once I'd finished he was full of praise, seemed genuinely impressed and took it upon himself to gather the kids, so that I could give a repeat performance to them. I really, really didn't want to, but peer group pressure from the kids all sat behind me, was overwhelming. So I took a big deep breathe and gave it a go. It's funny how silly little things like this can make a grown man so nervous. It went well I thought - less Les Dawson than I'd imagined. And not bad considering my last outing would have been as an eight year old at a school concert.
Pleased with my performance and delighted to have finished, I turned to accept the justified praise, only to find that they'd all gone, tipped toed out of the room and left me to play all by myself. Oh yes, very funny. Very funny indeed. Textbook.
Mikey works for BT now - I might just remember that little episode when I next see him up a pole. Might have to take his ladder away when he's not looking - who'll be laughing then eh! "Say sorry Mikey? Say "please Petey, o great one, can I have my ladder back?""
That was one hell of a holiday - some of the best waves I've ever surfed, even got barrelled on a swelly. Solid overhead most days. Crozon Peninsula, don't say I didn't tell you.
ps horses gave it a miss today, but they're down on the beach again in the morning and on Sunday.