It's been too long .. and to have all this humour inside and not share it with you guys. It's selfish I know.
The forecast was "Great Expectations". What we actually got was more, "Wuthering Heights!" The spin off from Hurricane Katia had the potential, in combo with a good spring tide, to create quite a stir at Polzeath. We moved the trailer off the beach two nights in a row in anticipation of a 'biggy'. But in reality, apart from observing the disconsolate man staring into his BMW as if at the round window of a Zanussi ZWG (should have shut your door mate, one more spin cycle, then you can stick it in the drier!) - there was little to cheer about. The highest surge just about reached the top of the beach. 'Much Ado about Nothing' I'm afraid. (You'll notice I'm taking you on a tour of 'book titles that I know' collection. Did you know? I got an 'A' level in English even though I never read the book, Middlemarch - the principle novel of the exams. Genius - although to be fair the grade was poor! There's a lesson there somewhere.)
Surf's Up! Shorts - last weekend I headed off to Swansea with Findog for a footie match, we stayed there over night. Went to the local water slide place, but had no shorts. Had to buy a fine pair of drawstrings! I looked just like my Dad. None of you were there were you? Phew! : Billy's started Secondary School - all seems to be going well. I remember when I was at school, admittedly a long time ago it used to really bug me when kids would bring in notes from home (NTC - not to change) to say they couldn't play games. I tried taking one into Chemistry once (NTC - not to chemistry) but was forced to do the periodic table. Not fair! : first couple of weeks of September have been surprisingly busy considering the weather, it's all been a bit Kamizakee (bit of a nip in the air), surf's been okay though : sold those last remaining wetsuits in about 5 mins : few Beach House dates available back end of September and early October if you fancy coming on down, best price, best price, you wan cheap watch? : off to see the Tour of Britain bike race on Thursday passing over Dartmoor, looking forward to seeing how fast they really go : Kelly Slater remains the man to beat on the ASP World Tour, can he really win 11 titles? Amazing.
Our chickens have laid some eggs - we're getting about two a day, which from my point of view, balancing work / reward ratio, is poor quite frankly. But they're sweet (and sour), that'll be the marinade I wash them in at night or as they know it, 'bath time'.