Friday, 3 December 2010

Everything's all white!

Despite Janey's best efforts, trade was slow!
(Here she is modelling the Surf's Up! Beanie and scarf combo available in store today!)

Yes, we have snow! I was only looking at that satellite photo this morning, showing the UK under a blanket of snow, thinking "How did we miss that?" when lo and behold, down she comes! Good snow too.

Check out the shop in festive decor. Lights on the Reindeer and everyfink!

Enough of the snow - we're up to our elbows in paperwork. Just putting the final touches on our bid for the 2022 Camel Racing World Cup! I rest my case, ma Lord!

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Bids are won when no-one is watching!

As disappointing as it is not to have the FIFA World Cup - we've got a good run with hosting the Olympics and then the Rugby World Cup to look forward to. Maybe to host three of the bigger events on the planet over a six year period would have been too much to hope for....

..... that was my considered view.

However, on further reflection, that Blatter and his corrupt body of numpties need to be fully investigated! And I think we know the best people to do that. British Journos - it's time to go to work!...

"Bids are won when no-one is watching!"

A few ideas for those Christmas stockings. Can't believe how well the Calendars have gone - kept us busy on the packing front.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Still No Snow!

The boys are not impressed! No snow!

Monday, 29 November 2010


Still no snow down here - but it is mighty cold. The old pinkies are feeling it this morning.

Some good news - Kelly will be back next year. When he left to go back to NZ for the winter we wondered whether it made sense for him to continue in role as Elite Coach. Despite his credentials the demand for high level training is very limited, except that is amongst the junior local crew. That's quite ironic - the ones who live by the sea and who surf the most, are the ones who want more training to get even better. And yet those who are land locked but who aspire to improve their surfing, make the decision to crack on by themselves. Anyway, we questioned whether the outlay was justified in the current climate. It's great to be able to offer the local crew training and competition support, but it doesn't pay any bills. On the face of it, it might seem a luxury. Well it would be a luxury if we didn't have a plan up our sleeves.

We've decided to bring him back but to take him away from the normal day to day business of the surf school. He'll be available to our clients if anyone wants a lesson at the higher level, but he's not going to be joining the instructor mix on the beach. We're going to keep this one close to our chest. It's exciting - we're excited. There's much work to do and I'm sure you'll be hearing loads more about this in the coming months.

My sister and her family are off to Hong Kong in the New Year. What a fantastic opportunity - I'm sure they'll have a great time. The cousins are all the best of mates and have the most amazing summer holidays together. Billy and Fin were sad to learn that their playmates won't be around so much next summer, but they quickly got over this disappointment when we pointed out that Bali would be a good meeting place!