Now that story about the half crop circle is, as Janey quite rightly pointed out, not quite the whole truth! No. The real truth was worse - there were in fact two lawns. The second, and previously unmentioned, was the big one, right in front of the terracing, the terracing with views right across the South Downs - an impressive piece of green grass if ever there was, and an impressive view. Probably one of the best views in Surrey which was reflected most likely in the value of the property. Encountering the aforementioned mower problems on lawn number one, let's call that 'the bowling green', we had a second decision to make on lawn number two, let's call that 'the showpiece'. Well out of reach of the flymo and far too big a piece of land in any case, what were we to do? There was only one reasonable course of action. Roll it! We found in their garden shed a whopper of a roller and we discovered quite by chance that if we flattened the grass, first in one direction and then the other, from a distance you could create the illusion of a perfectly mown lawn, like Wembley. So roll it we did. It was a big old thing and needed both hands on deck. We shed a few pounds, but on completion could look out upon our handy work with some satisfaction. To the untrained eye, this was a finely manicured turf. To the owner, however, I forget his exact words, but the gist was words expressing deep, deep erm, anger. Yes that was it, anger. He was purple with rage. I'm not sure what colour comes after purple but we weren't about to find out. When we got home we told my parents that we'd done this job at this posh house and they hadn't paid us. My Dad went immediately on his way to right this wrong and have a chat. Any inheritance went out the window that day! We went back to terrorising clients with Paint Pals after that!

Just had a play on the Imac with some postcard ideas - quite pleased with them. Might get a few done.