We may be a long way from the city, but our thoughts are with the families and businesses affected by the mindless violence last night. I watched Sky News until the early hours of the morning, stunned, like most people no doubt at what was unfolding.
Hats off to the lady in the red coat sat at the bus stop, sitting patiently for the number 42 whilst all around was carnage. You wait for a bus and then....... none come along! Hm, I blame the glaziers - they started it.
If you've read The Master Strategist (I recommend it) Mr. Patel discusses that this age we live in is the tipping point, where the best of everything can be the worst of everything. Developments in communication, warfare, medicine, technology, transport etc - can all have very positive effects on our lives but at the same time can be very destructive. Social networks, blueberries etc can bring a swift call to arms - and that is very dangerous, particularly in the hands of a disenfranchised youth. The other side, is we can all take photos of the hooligans on the mobile phones and give them to the police.