There is this theory that if we knew what we knew today (science) when we first began walking about on the planet, then there'd be no such thing as God ie the people of the time had to think of something or someway to explain their existence. Must have seemed like a good idea at the time until variations on the theme were put about. Since then it's all been a bit, well a bit messy what with all the wars, crusades and genocides. Where would we be without religion eh? Do we have to have spiritual guidance to be able to have respect for each others beliefs and do good towards others etc ? I'm not saying I'm right, but I would say, no. You can do all of that without restriction, without spiritual guidance.
Following a similar argument, I'd like to put forward my theory on roads and cars. That if we had the technology that we have today re. making cars, then we may not have felt it necessary to build silky smooth roads. Do we need a good road to get from A to B in the quickest and safest way etc? I'm not saying I'm right, but I would say, no. You can do all of that, without silky smooth roads.
There's got to be a better way hasn't there - in Cornwall some of the roads are in a terrible state. There are some near here that have recently been repaired and filled and are now even worse. It's a never ending cycle - and a massive money pit. Repair is not a long term solution, but you have to think that there could be one. Take away the expectation that the roads will be silky smooth and we'll see a new type of vehicle emerge - it could work. No more money on repairing the roads - but invest that cash into developing the cars ( or some other mode of transport) to cope with the uneven surfaces / on roads that may not be flat as yer 'at. We need a long term solution. Might save billions in the long run, billions that could be pumped into paying pensions for example. It's not as if we can use the current car's abilities in the Cities anyway ie. speed restrictions and traffic. We have the roads laid out to get us from A to B. So that's a great start, if we're looking for a starting position. And I think we need to.
If the government announced today that there would be no more funding in new roads or repair, what would happen? Apart from road blockades (ah ha, playing in to our hands!), the car manufacturers would find a solution. You only have to look at Formula One as the example. Every year the big wigs change the goal posts to make the cars slower, and every year the technos break the track records with their new creations - because they have to. They have to be competitive to survive in an industry that is incredibly adept at adapting. That's the game. So why not get rid of silky smooth roads and see what they come up with. Might be fun.
It's my belief that the current economic climate, gives us the opportunity to look at some of the ways we live our lives on a very fundamental level and reassess the way we do things. The facts are: there are too many of us, there's not enough of us working to sustain those that don't, we may well be adversely affecting the planet with what we do and how we do it, and we may run out of food. Not good. Bad in fact.
My point is this. There's going to be a short fall on pensions. It's inevitable. but it's only now that there's this big hoohaa. We should have seen that coming thirty years ago and taken action back then. I'd like to see a government that really thinks outside the box and is brave in making changes, focusing on the long term good. A government at this watershed moment that seeks to be populist will be disastrous for us all if they think only about the short term and the next general election. Unfortunately, the general public will never allow change on a fundamental scale no matter how high the stakes. You can only imagine the Facebook campaigns. "Change? Us? Now? Never!" And yet, we're the generation that needs to make it happen and take some hits. If we don't, we, our kids and their kids will be in for more than just a bumpy ride! And that would be ironic don't you think?
Don't forget you heard the solution to the worlds problems right here! From Surf's Up! HQ - no photos, no thanks necessary. On first reading, you'll think I'm an idiot - but once you've mulled over my 'road theory' it won't be long before you appreciate the genius! You'll be sat there in a traffic jam and it'll be a eureka moment "He's right you know. This road under my rubber wheels doesn't need to be silky smooth!" It's okay for you, I have to live with this genius everyday.
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