It's a very big call I know - but last night would go down as one of my top three favourite surf's of all time!! There's a possibility that it might sneak into the top spot! Which as I say is a big call. Head high, maybe a bit more on the sets, sun setting. Started in the middle of the beach with Liam and Anthony B and then moved to find my own wave over on the left. Glass as glass can be, with perfect lefts.

A good frame of mind is essential to a good surf. And I was in one following the St. Minver School music evening! Very proud of Billy for doing his first speaking part (which he'd kept a secret!) - but more than that, it was great to see the talent on show. There's a lad called Sam Every who plays drums and percussion. Remember his name! As for the violin, let's just think this through. Someone many years ago must have put this instrument together. Can you imagine the first time it was ever played - who in their mind mind would have thought "that sounds really good, we can definitely make something of this".
And then after the music, I went down to the beach to find this balloon! I changed and headed to the water when one of the photographers ran over and asked if I'd stand next to the balloon for their promo shots for the World Cup bid. You bet.

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