The Tickets have arrived... if you've ordered one, they're being sent out tomorrow and will be with you by the weekend. These are golden tickets, full of surprises! Latest update is that we've secured the services of DJ Jamie the Barb.. OMG how exciting! The funkiest vinyl man on the planet and quite possibly the hardest man to track down! But track him down we have. He's on board and I've already ordered a new pair of dancing shoes.. coz me old ones simply won't last the night! I recommend you do the same. Surf's Up! Band Mahoustic played last week.. we're heading to the big smoke of Plymouth for a final pre-gig, gig (come join us)... we're feeling good, prepped, ready to rock!

If you haven't got your tickets yet but want to join a vast number of past and present staff, clients, Boardriders and locals for what will be a night of Unshackled Surf's Up! celebration.. give us a call on 07760 126225. We'd love to see you there. The count down has begun! Bring it on! 21years... who'd have thought it! That is all. PC

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