Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Stop spitting on me, Llama

Beach House Special - 24th June - 27th June, sleeps ten, funny dates hence £450!! Call Rach on 07760 126225 if that tickles your buds. Couple of Duke of Edinburgh Residential places left at Surf's Up! flat.

After 10 weeks off the chocolate, last night I decided it was time to at least have a sniff and lick of the sweet stuff. Free Surf's Up! Mug to the first person who can correctly identify (via e-mail please) what bar broke the Camel's back! It was with some trepidation that I jumped on the scales this morning, and what do you know, no change!! Oh yes baby! I'm going to set up the choccy fountain this afternoon and put my head in it.
It's been a weird few days to be honest - the cat ate the hamster; I got spat in the eye by a Llama on a bike ride across Dartmoor; and I did an air shot with my Driver off a high tee (with a single figure handicap, the last time I did that was over 30 years ago) - all three events came as a complete surprise and tested my range of emotions from shock to much hilarity. Using the Rule of Three, I'm looking forward to rest of this week.

We have surf, but as yet this morning, no sun. It's a bit overcast. I have it on good authority that it's going to break through any min. The photo below is as is. First bit of decent surf for a while, so that means lots of people signed off 'sick' are recovering with a splash. I hope they feel better soon! Which reminds me, poor old Big Sam has twinged his back - a surfing / Cornish Wrestling injury combo - and is sporting the largest neck brace known to beach goers. We're looking forward to seeing his tan lines when that puppy comes off.

Photo below of returning instructor (and stunt double) Dee heading to water's edge, is what it's going to be like for the rest of the week and hopefully into Whitsun, which is already booking up on the surf lesson and surf hire front. Don't miss out now.

That's all for now. My Hayfever's started to kick in, so I'm off to track down that Llama and return the compliment!

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