Billyman's been selected to represent the SW at the London Marathon - looks like they run the last three miles crossing the finish line just before the main runners get home (unless they have a slow day and get caught by Gerbreselassie!). Should be a fantastic experience. At his age, twelve, you can be the fastest at both short and long distance, but as the body moves onto the next growth phase, you have to choose one or the other - all to do with training the slow or fast twitch muscles apparently! At the Football Academy, they monitor growth religiously and fast twitch is where it's at, so this will probably be his last race over this distance. His footie's going really well and they have spoken - they really want for the best for them! Janey's off with him for a match at Bournemouth today, Findog plays them at home (all home matches are played at Tavistock). One day in the not too distant future I'm sure we'll have a day where we're all together!
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