I seem to be having a day lacking any humour. I'd like to be funny, but my funny head has got up and left me. It's quite possible that I've overdosed on Mochachino early in the day. Off to Newquay in a bit to pick up hoodies - oh and sports day was postponed because of a light shower! That'll happen next week now, light shower permitting! I'm really into the 'Man Up' philosophy - teaching the kids from an early age. "It's wet, you might slip, be careful" is a much better lesson to teach the kids than "It's wet, you might slip. You might hurt yourself and we can't take that risk" Get 'em out there! I remember playing rugby in thick snow - didn't enjoy it much, in fact I think I cried, but look at me now, hard as nails - the only one on the beach wearing a string vest in a Northerly. Hey, my funny head is returning - and fast!
And another thing, how crazy is this? Last week Findog played in the football cup final, which they won to add to their league title. After the match there was a big presentation. But NO PHOTOS. Fin's Nan leant over the barrier to take a photo "Sorry madam, no photos!" That's such a shame! I know, I know, I know, I know the reasons. But really? It's all gone a bit mad. We're not all idiots.

Surf's Up! Boardriders last night - across the board there are just over 150 kids in the Club!! 150 who come to after-school training - that's phenomenal. Split across Novices, Improvers, Development Squad and Elite! It's quite an operation. It takes nearly as much time and resources to run the club as it does to run the rest of the surf school! Rach must do at least two hours a day just sorting out all the admin on it. But it's cool and very rewarding. That's my youngest, Findog standing back right. He's really got into his surfing lately, as has Billy. They seem to be going down most nights when they haven't got footie. It's good to see, they're right back into it.
It was a bit blowy last night. One of those classic days when it's sheltered in the car park but as soon as you get passed the headland - man, hang onto your boards!
Wailin and his crew ran a freestyle competition for the kids - they all have to line-up and then on the word, run in all together. It can be quite a spectacle.
Talking of Boardriders and rewarding. A couple of nights ago I was walking the dog on the path to Daymer as the sun was setting. It was getting pretty dark. Anyway, I noticed on the cliff top some clothes so I thought I'd better investigate. Turns out there were eight lads all out on surfboards just mucking about on the rocks and generally having a really great time. They were all part of Boardriders when we first set up the club. Between them, they've been to France, Portugal and Bali with us. I'd like to think we had just a tiny bit to do with this love of the sea that they quite obviously have.
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