Morning! And what a fine morning it is too! Le soleil brille pour tout le monde et les vagues sont... well actually the waves are on the weak side. Hand on heart, I can't call this a solid swell, locally generated wind chop. Still okay though - hey, and you never learn anything by sitting on the side. Not strictly true, but we'll go with it for now. Couple of foot, light breeze from the South-West.... any complaints will fall on deaf ears.
Always have loved a bit of the french language. Slips off the tongue a treat.
Rach is back! Fresh from a Kings of Leon Hyde Park experience. With Paul Weller as the warm up act. Dream line-up. I've just handed her my scraps of paper assembled from two days at the helm.. despite being the boss, I might be in trouble! There are pieces to pick up. "Can I get you a coffee Rach?" I shall enquire. I'm surrounded by some very, very tolerant ladies who for some reason have learned to by-pass me on all important issues!
All that chat about Greece defaulting yesterday - now there's a worry. If Greece goes, Ireland, Portugal and then the big one Spain (they say) would follow - total meltdown. Good reason to holiday in Cornwall I say.

I'm going to call this composition 'My Dog'! She drives me nuts - if I try a long exposure she gets in the way, and if she's not in the way she's doing a big wet tail, shakey, shakey right next to me.
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