Friday, 27 May 2011

Kooky's Arrived

"Phew some journey! Developed a leak in me Satnav and turned right at Gibraltar! Man, me flippers nearly wore out! Good to be here now though - hey, you've got a good set up, and the view's pretty cool too. Reckon I can find myself a nice little spot on that island over there, and no rent. Let me introduce myself - the name's Kooky. Kooky by name, Kooky by nature. The nickname's got something to do with my 'big bottom' turn. Hey enough of that, settle down. So what am I doing here? Well I'm gonna be hooking up with the Surf's Up! Kids Academy this summer - and I can't wait. Teach 'em a few of my tricks.

Lots to talk about, but I need to get my dreads down. Get some nap time after my journey. Let's catch up soon. This is Kooky signing out."

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