Monday, 21 March 2011

Chip Paper

So Japan is last weeks chip paper. I can't keep up with it all. And now we're bombing Libya? Everything moves at such a pace. The world's gone mad! Bombing Libya? Feel just a little uneasy that that could all go very pear shaped!

Back on the beach - you'll be pleased to hear that all is calm. Calm, but noisy! With the sound of drilling, hammering, banging etc from all the building, it's anything but quiet. Polzeath is getting a complete overhaul. Seriously, you'll hardly recognise the place in a couple of years. All the older properties are being knocked down and replaced with modern glass fronted structures. Some of them look amazing. Not sure who's going to have the money to buy them?

Speaking of the recession, we've seen in the past two weeks the first real examples of hard times to come. At the end of both the running events that my boys took part in, the organiser stood up at the end and announced that this would be the last time the event was to be run. Cut backs. They'd been made redundant. No more sports coordinators for Primary schools. No more inter school comps at Primary level. Oh dear.

1 comment:

  1. Not so much the recession as the government cutting back on publicly funded education. Could this be anything to do with the private education many of the members of the government had?
