Monday, 22 November 2010

A Potter in the Midst

We've taught millions of celebs over the past 16 years - well maybe not millions, but certainly our fair share. And our policy is one of privacy. It's no big deal, come and do some surfing - we're not going to ask to have our photo taken with you and sell it to the paper, no matter who you are and how much to help to promote us, that's not going to happen. And I think the attitude is appreciated, which may explain why we stay in personal contact with many of them. I'm going to mention one name, only because it's quite interesting, it was a good while ago, maybe seven years ago and yet it's a relevant name today. No it's not Prince William, a regular visitor to Polzeath, nor his little brother Harry who was a cheeky little chap ( I had an interesting bit of banter with ginger in the surf many years ago - I recall he was quite lippy).

Anyway, a very normal and pleasant family arrived at the trailer. The parents filled in the forms while the kids took off around the back to get fitted up for some wetsuits. It was at this time that there was a buzz, a buzz of excitement. You could sense that something was going on. You get it sometimes when a well known face is standing in the queue to check in for a lesson. But I hadn't clocked who it was. I must have been so engrossed in checking people in that I must have missed them. As time went on I got a sense that rather than the queue buzzing, the whole beach was buzzing and everyone was looking towards the surf school. Never before, nor since have we had such a reaction to someone famous at the surf school.

I went around the back to get a sneaky peak - and to my surprise it was one of the girls that was the centre of attention. Not that she was aware of it - she was just being a normal kid. She would have been about 13, something like that, changing into her wetsuit and having a laugh with her friends. I went over to her parents "We've put Emma in a small group, are you okay with that?" "Expelliarmus!" they cried! You could tell that they had a dual role now, parent and manager - but they were totally relaxed despite being tuned into the attention. I guess they were used to it. Anyway, if you haven't already guessed it was Emma Watson, also known as Hermione from Harry Potter who was surfing with us that day.

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