Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Polzeath - nice at night!

There was a very cool feel to the beach last night. There was an amazing sunset so I hotfooted it down to the beach to take a few snaps. There was loads of families wandering around the beach, some playing football, cricket. There's a lot more going on re. food down here in the evenings now. The Cone Zone have started to do take away pizzas, and the Galleon do these wood fire ones. So lots of people come down to grab a pizza and sit on the beach - makes a really nice atmosphere. It's busy, but it's not overly busy. It's a nice busy. Looked like everyone was having a great time. And that's what you want.

Oh, quick update on the night beach scene. I had an e-mail from a worried client, apparently there was a documentary about Polzeath and the posh kids. Well to be honest it never was as bad as the media liked to portray, but it was issue that needed management. Basically, when the public schools broke up the parents would send their kids this way unsupervised - which to be honest is ridiculous! So they'd come down, have the run of the rented holiday homes and no boundaries on late nights, alcohol or drugs. Originally Daymer was the meeting place and then it became Polzeath. Which was fine until word got out and then we averaged 400 kids a night, peaking up near 4 figures. It was a real problem. There was no control - the kids had a free rein and money to burn. So the local businesses contributed to a policing fund in order to maintain the villages reputation as a family resort. The police came in, banned alcohol and fires on the beach and basically made it far less attractive for the kids.

I had a chat with the local policeman only last week and he said the numbers were down to 40! So it's worked. They've all headed down to Newquay, which is a much better place for them. This time of year is family time anyway and it's never been a problem from here on in - it was just that two week period. It's been a couple of years since that was an issue.

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