The routine of the last few evenings has ended with a walk to the top of the field as the sun goes down to scramble on the hay bales. Bit of fun with this sunset photo.
The last few weeks have been a bit weird! For no reason in particular. However today we had a meeting with one of the numero uno business men in the country which helped to settled us down!! It was a meeting of home truths and dashed dreams!! Only kidding, what he brought to the table was a sense of realism. We asked for a business critique. There are aspects of our business that we understand very well, and others that as we've grown have not come naturally. What we've come away with is a very clear understanding of areas that we have to focus on in order for them to become strengths - three to be specific. It's not often you get the opportunity to sit down with someone who really knows the score. Naturally, we will follow his advice to the letter - why would you do anything but?
So in summary of today's meeting - a very nice gentle 'get a grip' kind of meeting. The business does well, but if we're to move into areas that we'd like to in the future, then we need to improve our systems. What's brilliant for me and Janey is that we can't argue with the advice. It's come from the top man, for free - you just got to run with it. And for me and Janey that's brilliant because it helps us to sing from the same hymn sheet. It's been a very good day. On occasion we battle with the long term plan, but no more!!
Took the boys down to Plymouth for Navy Days - fantastic. We managed to get round five ships, great day. So much to see. Much more appreciation of what our forces do for us.
In one of the ships there was a young lad sat down. He was signing books. He'd lost both legs and one arm in an explosion. We bought his book and he signed it for Billy and Fin. "Take care" he said. Not much you can say to that.
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