Tuesday, 7 July 2009

The future and beyond

Last Saturday was a day of awakening - on so many different levels!! Now that the new projects are complete, and we're very happy with them, we are for the first time in 15 years exactly where we want to be. It's taken a while, but we have to be very pleased at where we've arrived. But it's not the Surf's Up! way to sit back and be satisfied - there's still loads more to do on this journey. 

So where to now? I think we can credit ourselves with being pioneering in our little pond. The facts are there to back it up. But to get to the next stage we made need to look at potentially joining forces. We have a much bigger plan, but can't necessarily do it on our own. I really can't say too much, but the plan is right out there. We have the experience, the knowledge, the history, the team, and the passion. Plans evolve, as will this one. We're creative with our thinking, not bound by any rules and regs or limited by ambition. This is the big one. This is the crossroads - and as I've said before, when both myself and Janey agree with a company direction, it always happens. 

Last night I was convinced I had swine flu!! Headache, shakes, a strong desire to roll in mud and eat rotten cabbage! Wrong diagnosis, it was Man Flu - feel great today!

Big up to Gabi who retained her King of the Groms title and to Reece (2nd) and Max who made the finals. 

We pick up the new boat today. Happy days. 

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