If you think I, the Big Cheese, has gone a bit quiet...you'd be right and wrong! Let me explain... we've started the year here at Surf's Up! with a new steely resolve and at staff meetings (of which there have been many and will be more) we've challenged ourselves over the next five years to see 'just how good we can be!' In order to do this we're working incredibly hard behind the scenes to ensure that if you grace our shores, you'll enjoy an even better experience than of any of our previous 21 years. We're not worried about getting bigger, we just want to get better, and I think you'll notice the difference.
Speaking of 21 years... let me tickle in some hot off the press news... stick this date in your diary.. 27th August... we're hosting our 21st Anniversary Party, a massive reunion for all those who've either been surfing with us, supported us or worked for us since 1995! How exciting! This evening event will take place up at The Point where Dj's and the Surf's Up! band Mahoustic, to name but two highlights (!) will get you rocking in the monstrous marquee. We're going to party like it's 1999 and we very much hope you can come. Tickets will be limited and will be available the day our new website goes live....(which is very soon).
New website? Yep, our new website, interactive with lots of video and audio.. is a huge forward step that we're so excited about. we've always been the industry leaders and we hope you love the look and changes we're making. We're pouring a huge amount of time and energy into this to make it cutting edge. Our old one was cool, but outdated. That's about all I can say about it at the moment. I'm sure you understand.
Other developments. I had the good fortune to go to Hawaii this Winter with Janey and the boys. If you haven't been...go! It is everything that you think it will be and more. Standing on the beach at Pipeline watching grinding barrel after grinding barrel was like a religious experience. So much history, the place where legends are made. As if that wasn't enough my eye was caught by the sight of sponsored riders running out from the Volcom House with these soft short boards tucked under their arms. It's like the next evolution of surfing. Now as you probably already know, I've long been a fan of the Swelly surfboard... so to watch these pros tuck into barrels on these tiny chubby softboards, well.. it made me very happy! Very happy indeed. So I thought, "Hey, those would be awesome for the surf school!" Not only have we bought a load for you to try but we've become the exclusive test centre for Catch Surfboards, the very one's they were using! If you want to see someone riding them check out North Shore legend Jamie O'Brien's website, dear lordy he's a complete nutter.. just how we like it. We have some of his boards arriving for Whitsun, on sale in our shop.

So yep, having taken a couple of years out, I'm back! And frothing! So excited about this year.. hey, you may even see me walking around with a pad under my arm, making notes, jotting down ideas. I know, crazy! But here's the thing...you want to know who inspires me... you do! From that very first day when myself and Janey pulled onto the beach back in 1995.. it's always been our philosophy that when you come for a lesson, you leave having had the most incredible time and are super happy. That's our gauge, there is no other. Let me tell you that in 2016, super happy just got happier!
I'm joined in the quest by Janey: co-founder, warrior and the true rock of Surf's Up! unlike me, she never went away.. Wailin: you could not wish for a better right hand man, a most incredible long hair and leader of the pack! Elle: the font of all office knowledge, systems and who has this incredible ability to swear and smile at a disfunctioning modem at the same time (Clare is on hand to assist)! Emma: on fire in the shop with new products and new ideas, watch this space. That's the management team... we also have your favourite senior instructors on site now... Waimea Jonny, Hair Dye Shaff and Josh the Maple Leaf, with others joining the team in time for Whitsun. They're all here, buzzing, waiting to welcome you on to site!
Okay, so that's enough from me. Quiet, yes. But only because we're working on so much new stuff. Oh and I'm on detox.. day 16 of 30! More greens? Really?! Lost a stone and an 'arf! Even a sniff of a Jaffa Cake would do! This is the last time you'll hear from me in this dull written format. Next time you see the words 'Surf's Up!' make an appearance in your Inbox, I hope when you click on it you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Don't forget, 27th August.. it's gonna be huge!!
As you were, thanks for listening, I'm here every day.... Pete